The word Yoga means to “yoke” or “union”.
The three things that I feel we want to unify through our life is mind, body and breath. Which of these is from the most to the less important to you if you were to place them in order?
In terms of our body’s, I believe it is important to move (cardio), stretch and strengthen. This is up to every individual what they prefer as we should authentically find a mode of movement for our body that is sustainable.
I don’t see movement as a form of exercise, it is part of every day playing. It is in the little gestures and the big things – like group activities. Choose something here that you know you’ll stick to.
Mindfulness is being present and aware. There are many modalities to achieve this.
One of my favourite practices of mindfulness is to journal.
In the mornings I start with a loose structure of five questions to ask myself to start the day:
1. How are you feeling?
2. What goals do you have for today? Keep it simple;)
3. What is your intention for the day? Start with the words: I am
4. Meditate or Read something inspirational or do a breathing exercise and reflect
5. Name three things that you are grateful for? A suggestion is to start the phrase with I love…
Breathing is that which is unseen, yet we can feel it and we believe in our breath. Take time to be aware of your breath. Try and connect with it by touching each finger and taking a conscious breath in and out. Again, there are many practices available on breathing. Start small, find something that resonates with you and the longevity of your practice may grow.
My philosophy in life is to “listen to the body”. When we listen and get more in tune with it we will hear the whispers before we feel discomfort. Keep the channels open and be honest with yourself to figure out what is authentically you that you may align your mind, body and breath with this.
Thank you for letting me share my passion for movement and mindfulness with you.
I am reachable through my Instagram platform @roseofsharongrace
If you wish to contact me directly feel free to send me a Whatsapp on 073 285 9077 or email me on
I would love to hear from you;)
I teach in a variety of ways:
Online Zoom Classes Monday to Friday 05:30-05:55 (25 minutes)
Online Zoom Classes Monday and Friday 07:30-08:30 (45 minutes with a chat)
Monday evenings Intermediate Vinyasa Yoga at Yogaville Nitida
Wednesday mornings All Levels at Yogaville Nitida
I am also available for private one on one classes at my home studio or yours.