
I didn’t know what to expect. This was going to be my very first Cape Town Cycle Tour.

My biggest challenge leading up to the event was getting the time to train between work and daily tasks, so I rode my bike whenever I got the opportunity to.

I set a personal goal to get past Noordhoek without being cut off. Anything more than that would be a bonus.

My strategy would be to participate in seeding events to better my event seeding, allowing for more time to work with. Starting slow, and staying consistent during the race was key, keeping hydrated and eating regularly.

On the day I realized that the two epic climbs, Chapman’s Peak and Suikerbossie, weren’t meant for walking in road shoes and I had to remind myself to keep my head up and enjoy the view.

The last 15 km felt as if it would never end but crossing the finish line is a memory I’ll cherish for a long time.

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