
The sunlight bounced through the window, finding every inch of the messy papers sprawled across the table. Even though it wasn’t the coldest winter’s day, the warmth was welcomed.

Anja looked at me from across the table, deep in thought. I’d just asked what her personal values were.

This was the first of many Dirt Addict brand building conversations to come, but at this very moment, we were sitting with a blank canvas to create something meaningful and special.

Service. She mouthed with confidence.
If you’ve had any sort of dealings with Anja, you’ll quickly spot that this is true about her nature.

Honesty. Motivation. Inspiration. Community.
The words that followed shortly after various passionate explanations. This would be the foundation that would shape our Dirt Addict values that you often find when interacting with us.

Courage. Pride. Strength. Unity.
As we unpicked the problem we were attempting to solve, we started by questioning our own needs. We agreed that there was something missing, something we didn’t have access to, and if we felt that way, we realized that others must too.

Courage. Pride. Strength. Unity.
These words made sense, so we pulled each word apart to understand why they had so much meaning. It was only over the coming weeks, months, and years later that we realized just how true and impactful they would be.

When reading each value statement, we can easily pinpoint Tribers (our community members), who deeply resonate with the words.

Build UNITY through community.
A place to fit in or belong, whether unfit or overweight, looking for social interaction, motivation or connection. A place where there’s an introduction of strangers who become friends.

Exercise PRIDE to do what makes you happy.
A safe space to practice making happier life choices without restrictions. A place to be confident in finding fulfillment.

Have the STRENGTH to take on anything.
An encouraging space to challenge comfort zones. A supportive environment to believe that anything is possible.

Show COURAGE to be your authentic self.
A place where there is no judgement for stepping away from self-limiting beliefs and living in alignment with oneself.

The Dirt Addict values aren’t just words listed on a website, they are guidelines to intentional living and while they started as ours, we are gifting them to you, so that they may become OUR VALUES.

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